The Trustly Blog
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Open Banking
June 28, 2021
5 Min
Are You Compliant with Nacha's New Data Security Rules?
Nacha has introduced supplemental data security requirements which explicitly require large, non-FI Originators, Third-Party Service Providers (TPSPs), and Third-Party Senders (TPSs) to protect deposit account info by rendering it unreadable when it is stored electronically.
Open Banking
April 7, 2021
8 Min
Open Banking in the United States: Are You Ready to Catch Up?
Have you heard about Open Banking? It's quite a popular concept right now! This article focuses on how the recent trends and changes in Open Banking around the world—especially regulatory changes in the EU and UK—are likely to affect banks, FinTech, and other businesses in the US.
Open Banking
Financial Services
April 7, 2021
8 Min
The Rising Cost of Card Payment Processing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
A combination of consumer spending habits, fraud attempts, and transaction fees are contributing to the rising costs of card payment processing. Businesses need to change their approach to payments to adapt to the rising costs of accepting cards. Here’s a look at the causes, consequences and solutions for merchants today.
Open Banking
March 15, 2021
8 min
What is Strong Customer Authentication?
Strong customer authentication (SCA) is a new regulation designed to prevent online transaction fraud. Here’s what merchants need to know about the requirements, which businesses are affected, and how to comply. Using the right approach, merchants can meet SCA standards while minimizing friction in the customer checkout experience.
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