What notifications exist for merchants when utilizing an instant payment rail?

When using an instant payment rail, such as RTP, a merchant must pre-fund a bank account to cover the payout transactions. As these transactions occur, and balances fluctuate, automated notifications are sent to merchants when the balance dips below predefined thresholds.

There are two types of notifications: Warning and Critical

Warning Messages

Warning messages are sent to specified recipients to notify merchants the instant payment (IP) balance in the For Benefit Of (FBO) account has fallen below a set threshold. Warnings are sent when there are still sufficient funds in the account to continue processing, but have reached an initial low balance threshold.

Critical Messages

Critical messages are sent to specified recipients when the instant payment (IP) balance in the For Benefit Of (FBO) account has fallen below a set threshold. Critical messages are sent when the balance is low enough that there is a risk that transactions may not be processed.

To resolve these situations, the merchant wires funds to the account to increase the balance above and beyond the balance thresholds.
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