How do I find out if a financial institution is up and running properly?

The FI Status page, sometimes referred to as FIC Status page, is a tab within Merchant Portal. It shows the status of the top 50 US and top 5 Canadian banks.

You can log in and go to the page directly, or use this link to go directly to the page. If you are not logged in to Merchant Portal, you will be prompted to do when you click the link.

Direct Link:

Each bank will have one of the following status':

  • Good: The financial institution is working as expected
  • Degraded: The financial institution is working with reduced performance
  • Down: The financial institution is temporarily unavailable

To determine a bank's status,

  1. Click FI Status in Merchant Portal.
  2. Locate the bank by scrolling or searching and review the status and date.

To save a specific bank to the top of the list, click the pin at the right to save it to the top of your list.
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